Saturday, July 24, 2010


Setting goals in life is a great thing. You have a sense of pride and accomplishment when you set a goal and work towards meeting it. While I have been feeling ill, I have set little goals for each day. These goals have been as simple as just getting out of bed and changing my clothes on bad days. To goals of going out to the store on days I'm feeling better. Each time I accomplish one of these small goals, I feel better. Setting theses little goals has also spurred me on to thinking about setting some longer term goals after chemo is over.

First off, I want to feel healthier. I've decided to set the goal to make myself physically healthier after chemo. This includes eating better and being more active. I'd like to fulfill this goal by participating in the Relay for Life within one year of finishing chemo. This goal is also 2 fold because I would like to be healthier before being a mother. Which leads to goal #2. I'd like to have had a child or be pregnant within one year of finishing chemo.

This adventure of health problems started with the scare of possibly losing my ability to ever have children by the possibility of losing my ovaries. (If you don't have the parts, you can't have a child.) This has led me to realize how much I truly want to be a mother and to be able to have a family with my husband. If God is willing to give us the opportunity to have a child, we would feel most blessed. It will continue to be a prayer of ours.

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